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Semalt Expert Tells How To Use Google Ads Keywords Forecast Tool For SEO And Paid Media

The Google Ads forecast tool can help you narrow down the future potential for any keywords in SEO and paid media. Understanding this enables you to stay ahead of the curve. 

Google Ads Keywords forecast tool is a must-have if you plan to not only catch up but overtake your competition. Here is a rundown of Google Forecast Tool to your advantage and how to integrate it into an SEO media mix.

What Is Google Ads Keyword Forecast Tool?

It is one thing to know what's currently trending. It is another thing to anticipate what will be trending tomorrow, weeks, and farther into the future. This is one situation where you can see into the future. Because Google Ads Keyword Forecast Tools makes this a possibility, it is a valuable asset for digital marketers.

From the name, it's clear that it looks into the future. It is an awesome option for anyone looking to improve their SEM and SEO game. Google Ads Keywords Forecast Tool helps narrow down the future potential for any keyword or sets of keywords. According to Google, their forecast is updated daily with the data they have collected going back as far as ten days past. The data that makes up this analysis includes market changes that took place throughout this period. Other factors such as seasonality are considered so that you do not get confused by natural market fluctuations.

Google Ads Keyword Forecast is an amazing tool.

How And Why To Use The Forecast Tool

The forecast tool is useful on many fronts, proving how useful the Ads platform is as a whole. As a tool, it has been able to break the thresh hold of today's data and deliver insights for the near future. As a forecasting tool, it helps you see how your keywords function in optimal settings.

With this tool, you can:
  • Check your maximum cost per click (CPC). This, however, depends on your budget.
  • View the chart of your estimated performance. 
  • See projections for your keywords.
  • See how your estimates will be affected by the changes you make to your max CPC.
You can adjust your forecast date range and time frame to see how it affects your forecast. There are two ways you can see a forecast on Google Ads, so we will be breaking down the Ads Keyword tool step by step.

Using The Google Ads Keyword Forecasting Tool For Forecasting

Within the Google Ads Keyword planner, there is a feature called a forecast. Click on get search volume and forecast. After this, you can enter an individual keyword or a group of keywords, separated by commas or line breaks.  

This feature also allows you to upload a spreadsheet file if you have several keywords and transport them into the forecasting tool. Think of it as a quick way to get the job done. Once you've successfully put in your keywords, click get started, and you will come across a page with a few tabs.

These three tabs are:
  • Forecast 
  • Negative keywords 
  • Historical metrics
When you're focusing on the forecasting aspect, you should stick to the first tab.

Based on the keywords you've entered, you will see a section of forecast data. Google Ads then automatically tell you:
  • The clicks per day if the keywords trigger your ad
  • Your impression 
  • The cost of running a particular keyword per day
  • The Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Average amount you may pay for an ad click, or the average CPC
Other conversion metrics can be added depending on your preference and the information you need to forecast your brand's unique marketing plan. If you want a nuanced forecast that's perfectly fit for your needs, this is an important trick you should have up your sleeves.

To do this, click on the Add conversion metric button. Once you've done this, you will be left with a nifty graph and data chart which forecasts the future for your selected keywords. 

Having this tool helps you determine the best plan of action for your marketing and SEO campaigns that are yet to come. It also lets you know if you should adjust existing campaigns based on the market change and how consumer queries and behavior change.

The numbers you see for each metric is what you're likely to achieve for your keywords or set of keywords based on what you spend on your ads. If your budget changes, these numbers will also change, proving how holistic Google's approach is. However, Google tries its best to explain that spending more doesn't always equal better conversions.

When you're done with your analysis, take one or all of these steps:
  • Download your forecast.
  • Share the keyword plan with the teammates.
  • Consider how this data can be included in your paid media, SEO, and content marketing roadmap.
Are there other ways to see Forecast on Google Ads? 

There are two varieties to this answer. 

The first is No, it's not. 

The second is there is another way to get this analysis, and you can find it by clicking Discover New Keywords instead of Getting search volume and forecast as you begin. With the "Discover New" option, you can:
  • Discover new ideas to use as your keywords
  • Edit your existing list of keywords based on the analysis the data provides. 
  • You can also see the performance forecast of keywords once they are on your plan
As an optional measure, you can create new marketing campaigns based on the positive forecast this tool provides. You can then create a new campaign based on the positive feedback you've gotten or use this information to fortify the campaigns you are already running. 

If you want to add keywords to your plan using the Discover New Keywords method in order to forecast their performance, here are the steps to follow:
  • Select the boxes next to each keyword that you want to add. Then, you click the dropdown option that says, "add to plan."
  • You can choose to either add to the plan or add to the existing campaign.
  • Click the dropdown option. Select a match type using the dropdown option Board match.
  • Select add keywords, and you're done.

How To See Keyword Trends On Google Ads

A couple of paragraphs above, we mentioned three tabs, and we used to forecast. However, the best way to see keyword trends in Google Ads is through the third tab, which is Historical metrics.

When you click on the Historical metrics tab, you can see the:
  • Average monthly searches 
  • Low medium or high competition
  • Ad impression share 
  • Low and high top of the page bid
When you combine this historical data with the forecast projections from your Google Ads Account, you're left with a detailed picture of the keywords in your industry.

Note: Google Ads keyword Forecast tool accounts for bids, budget, and historical seasonality data; on the other hand, it doesn't put all of these elements into consideration. Keep this in mind while comparing.  

How Google Ads Keyword Forecast Tool Fits With The Overall Paid Media Mix

Paid media has its benefits. While the Google Ads Keyword Forecast tool should be a well-used component in your marketing repertoire, it can't be the only tool you rely on. It serves the meanest meals when you fuse it with other tools such as:

Google trends

This tool allows users to search for traffic by any given term or company. With Google trends, you can compare terms and entities and visualize data by location, related topics, and break out terms. It also answers your questions relating to recent changes in the landscape. 

Google benchmark report

This is another tool that has proven to be of tremendous value. This report exists inside of Google Analytics. The benchmark report observes your traffic and then compares it to the benchmark that exists in your industry. Since this benchmark comes from the overall industry and not a specific niche, you have a clear idea of how well you are performing. It shows how well you are competing for each other players in your industry. A part of this report we find most useful is the part that compares your own historical and current data. This gives you a vivid picture of how you started and how far you've come.

Google Ads automated insights

This is a recent development from Google. It harnesses the power of Google trends and then imports relevant data into your Google account. With this data, you can see breakout terms as well as their growth predictions. Having this tool is a super-powerful addition that can improve your business and marketing planning significantly. In simple terms, it allows you to slide into a new category before your competition catches wind of what's happening.


The Google Ads Keyword Forecast tool helps your business look ahead. This then helps those businesses stay on the cutting edge of their industry. By using historical and current data to determine a paid media strategy, the future can be seen.

With our help, you can adjust your business line to work hand in hand with the metrics, and Semalt professionals  will set a bar for your competition. Here, there are no ifs, and, or buts about it.